
Research method

Tag Description
Cross-sectional study Reports outcomes for a particular timepoint for a cohort
Economic model studies Studies assessing the cost-effectiveness or economic impact of an intervention
Narrative review Analysis and summary of topics related to productivity based on existing literature, with no systematic search for all relevant publications.
Prospective observational Participants observed over time in their natural environment
Prospective, interventional Participants followed up over time after being allocated to a new intervention. If the intervention is being compared to another intervention or a control group, the allocation is not randomised.
Randomized controlled trial Participants are allocated to intervention arms at random, so any difference in outcomes is likely to be due to differences in the interventions.
Retrospective observational Analysis of existing data from study participants that was collected in the past.
Systematic literature review or meta analysis A summary of all relevant published literature on the topic, with publications identified based on a systematic search.

Occupational group

Tag Description
Unclear Abstracts where details of the study population are unclear

Age group

Tag Description
Adult 30-64 years
Older adult >64 years
Younger adult <30 years