
We ran the following search in the PubMed database on 7th March 2024.

 Search Number of hits
1'rough sleep*' OR 'homeless person'/exp OR 'homeless person' OR 'homelessness'/exp OR 'homelessness' OR destitut* OR 'homeless' OR 'unhoused' OR 'unsheltered' OR 'houseless'22,751
2'quality of life'/exp OR 'quality of life' OR 'quality of life':ab,ti OR qol:ab,ti OR hqol:ab,ti OR hrqol:ab,ti OR hql:ab,ti OR hrql:ab,ti OR utilit*:ab,ti OR 'patient reported':ab,ti OR 'patient-reported':ab,ti OR euroqol:ab,ti OR 'eq 5d':ab,ti OR eq5d:ab,ti OR 'eq vas':ab,ti OR 'health utilit* index':ab,ti OR hui:ab,ti OR hui2:ab,ti OR hui3:ab,ti OR 'hui 2':ab,ti OR 'hui 3':ab,ti OR (('short form':ab,ti OR 'short-form':ab,ti OR shortform:ab,ti OR sf:ab,ti) AND (6:ab,ti OR 12:ab,ti OR 36:ab,ti)) OR 'time trade off':ab,ti OR 'time trade-off':ab,ti OR tto:ab,ti OR 'standard gamble':ab,ti OR 'patient preference':ab,ti OR 'self-reported':ab,ti OR 'outcome assessment':ab,ti OR 15d:ab,ti OR qwb:ab,ti OR 'quality of wellbeing':ab,ti OR aqol:ab,ti OR 'assessment of quality of life':ab,ti OR wellbeing:ab,ti OR 'well being':ab,ti OR (cost NEAR/1 (efficacy OR effective* OR utilit*)) OR qaly:ab,ti1,858,038
3#1 AND #22,644
4#3 AND [humans]/lim AND [english]/lim AND [abstracts]/lim AND [2013-2024]/py1,784