
Study Type

Tag Description
Case study Study with <5 patients
Case-control study An observational study comparing patients samples with matched controls
Clinical trial Non-randomised comparative and single-arm clinical trials.
Cross-sectional study Reports outcomes for a particular timepoint for a cohort
Economic evaluation or model Assessing the costs, resource use or cost-effectiveness of treatments for cluster headache
Narrative review Analysis and summary of topics related to productivity based on existing literature, with no systematic search for all relevant publications.
Prospective, observational A cohort of patients are followed up over time, for example to assess the effects of a treatment
Randomised controlled trial A study where patients are randomised to two or more treatment arms
Retrospective observational Analysis of existing data from study participants that was collected in the past.
Single-arm clinical trial Non-randomized prospective study assessing the outcomes associated with a single particular treatment
Study protocol Study protocols from 2019 onwards where no results are yet available.
Systematic literature review A study that identifies and collates data from all relevant publications on the topic based on a systematic search of the literature.
Unclear Abstracts that don't have enough information for the study methodology to be clear


Tag Description
Adolescent and Young Adults Population aged 10-40 years
Female Studies where data is reported specifically in women
Male Studies where data is reported specifically in men
Older adults Adults aged 50 years and older
Postpartum women Women after childbirth


Tag Description
Mortality Study reports on the risks of death caused by the disease
Unclear Outcomes reported in the publication are unclear from the abstract

Interventions for homelessness

Tag Description
Houvast Focusing on their strengths, thus stimulating their capacity for autonomy and self-reliance