AUDIT | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test |
AYA | Adolescent and Young Adults |
BBTS | Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey |
BDI | Beck Depression Inventory |
Black | Black or African American |
BPI | Brief Pain Inventory |
BRFSS | Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
BSI-18 | Brief Symptom Inventory |
CAGE Questionnaire | Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, and Eye-opener Questionnaire |
CDC-4 | Center for Disease Control (CDC) four-item HRQoL measure |
CES-D | Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale |
CHIS | California Health Interview Survey |
COPD any/unspecified | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of any or unspecified severity |
CPROM | Canadian Personal Recovery Outcome Measure |
CREM | Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure |
CSQ | Client Satisfaction Questionnaire |
DAST-10 | Drug Abuse Screening Test |
DTS | Distress Tolerance Scale |
EPQ | Eysenck personality questionnaire |
EQ-5D | EuroQol 5 dimensions quality of life scale |
EQ-5D | EuroQoL-5D |
EQ-VAS | EuroQoL Visual Analogue Scale |
ESAS | Edmonton Symptom Assessment System |
FFQ | Food Frequency Questionnaire |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
GSES | Generalized Self- Efficacy Scale |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale |
HaRT-A | Harm-Reduction Treatments for Alcohol use disorders |
HAT | Homeless Assessment Tool |
HEI | Healthy Eating Index |
HFA-SQ | Homeless Female Adolescents Structured Questionnaire |
HFA-SSI | Homeless Female Adolescents Semi-Structured Interview |
InterRAI | InterRAI Community Mental Health questionnaire |
ISEL | Interpersonal Support Evaluation List 12 |
ISS | Insomnia Severity Index |
LANSS | Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs |
MAAS - A | Mindful Attention Awareness Scale-Adolescent |
MAP | Maudsley Addiction Profile |
MARS | Medication Adherence Rating Scale |
MCAS | Multnomah Community Ability Scale |
mCSI | Modified Colorado Symptom Index |
MEDQ | MacArthur Major Experiences of Discrimination Questionnaire |
MINI | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview |
MPQ | McGill Pain Questionnaire |
OHIP-14 | Oral Health Impact Profile |
OHS | Oxford Happiness Scale |
OIDP | Oral Impact on Daily Performance |
OSTQOL | Opioid substitution treatment quality of life scale |
OTI Health Scale | Opiate Treatment Index Health Scale |
PCQ-H | Primary Care Quality-Homeless Scale |
PETS | Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management questionnaire |
PHCS | Perceived Health Competence Scale |
PHQ-9 | 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire |
PHQ-SADS | Patient Health Questionnaire: Somatic Anxiety Depressive Symptoms |
PRISM | Projet Raffiliation Itinrance Sant Mentale |
PROMIS | Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurements Information System |
PROMIS-SD | Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Sleep Disturbance short form |
PSQI-Q6 | Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index |
PSS | Perceived Stress Scale |
PTSD-CL | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist |
PTSDS | Primary Care Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder screener |
PWI | Personal Wellbeing Index |
QLHHI | Quality of Life in Homeless and Hard-to-House Individuals |
QLHVHI | Quality of Life of Homeless and Vulnerably Housed Individuals Instrument |
QOLI-20 | Lehmans quality of life interview |
RAS | Recovery Assessment Scale |
RCT | Randomised controlled trial |
RQL | Recovering Quality of Life |
RSES | Rosenberg self-esteem scale |
S-QoL18 | Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale |
S-WELL-S | Stanford WELL Survey |
SAMHSA | The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Outcome Measures tool |
SCS-SF | Self-Compassion Scale- Short Form |
SF-12 | 12-Item Short Form Health Survey |
SF-36 | 36-Item Short Form Health Survey |
SLR | Systematic literature review |
SNOT-22 | Sinonasal Outcome Test |
SPS | Social Provisions Scale |
SSM | Self-Sufficiency Matrix |
SSRS | Social Support Rating Scale |
STEP | Staying in Touch and Engaged Project |
SURE | The Substance Use Recovery Evaluator |
TBI | Traumatic brain injury |
ULSS | Urban Life Stress Scale |
VF-14 | Visual Function Index-14 |
VI-SPDAT | Vulnerability Index - Service Priority Decision Assistance Tool |
WAI | Working Alliance Inventory |
WEMW | Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale |
White | White or Caucasian |
WHO-5 | WHO Well-being Index |
WHO-BREF | World Health Organization's Quality of Life - short version |