Evidence on screening for seven conditions

This Evidence Map, published in September 2024, summarises the relevant publications identified in seven evidence maps produced for the Department of Health and Social Care UK National Screening Committee:

  • Antenatal screening for fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia - Solutions for Public Health, October 2020
  • Chlamydia screening in pregnancy - York Health Economics Consortium March 2018
  • Screening for antenatal and postnatal mental health problems - Solutions for Public Health February 2019
  • Screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the general adult population - Solutions for Public Health June 2018
  • Screening for depression in adults - Solutions for Public Health August 2020
  • Screening for partner violence - School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield June 2019
  • Screening to prevent kernicterus - Bazian Ltd., September 2015

Copies of each report are available from the Resources page of this Evidence Map.

We identified the citations included in each published evidence map and indexed each one to the following fields based on data in the reports:

  • Disease - the condition that screening is aiming to identify or prevent
  • Interventions - to prevent or manage the disease or problem 
  • Location - where the study participants were based
  • PRO tools - patient-reported tools used to assess aspects of the disease 
  • Question - which research question the publication relates to
  • Topic - which existing evidence map the publication was identified by
  • Study methodology - the approach taken by the researchers for that study
  • Study size - the number of participants in the study
  • Subpopulations - the specific subgroups who participated in the research
  • Year - when the paper was published