

Tag Description
Career choices The impact of endometriosis on career choices made by the woman


Tag Description
Adenomyosis The lining of the uterus grows into the muscle of the uterus wall
Bowel endometriosis Endometriosis affecting the bowel
Cervical dysplasia Abnormal development of immature cells in the cervix
Deep endometriosis Severe endometriosis where the endometriosis is found more than 5mm below the peritoneum, the layer of tissue that lines the organs in the abdomen and pelvis
Early-stage endometriosis Endometriosis characterised by relatively few superficial areas of implanted tissue
Endometriosis Tissue similar to the lining of the womb is present outside the uterus
Endometriotic cysts Sacs of endometriotic tissue and fluid, sometimes called "chocolate cysts"
Leiomyomas Uterine fibroids
Ovarian cysts Fluid-filled sacs on the surface of the ovary
Pelvic inflammatory disease Infection of the female reproductive tract, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix
Polycystic ovarian disease A disorder that includes the development of multiple cysts or fluid-filled sacs on the surface of the ovary
Rectal endometriosis Endometriosis affecting the rectum
Stage III/IV endometriosis Moderate or severe disease, with endometriosis spreading to involve other tissues and causing adhesions
Uterine prolapse The uterus drops down into the vagina as it is not properly supported by the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis


Tag Description
Adnexal mass A collection of tissue outside but next to the uterus
Dyschezia Pain on opening one's bowels
Dysmenorrhoea Pain during menstruation
Dyspareunia Pain during intercourse
Ectopic pregnancy Implantation of the embryo outside the cavity of the uterus
Infertility Difficulty in conceiving a pregnancy
Menorrhagia Heavy blood loss during a period
Non-menstrual pelvic pain Pain in the pelvis occurring at times other than during a pregnancy
Pain Acute or chronic pain
Pelvic adhesions Gluing together of tissues and/or organs within the pelvis secondary to inflammation or infection