

Tag Description
Health care professionals Studies of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical trainees and other healthcare professionals.
High-stress occupations Includes teachers, miners, those working with difficult clients.
Other employees Other occupational groups not listed separately.


Tag Description
Cocoa Any cocoa-based products.
Dark chocolate Dark chocolate only.
Flavonoids Any flavonoid-containing product, including chocolate.
Non-dark chocolate Milk, white or other non-plain or dark chocolate products.
Polyphenols Polyphenol-containing foods, including chocolate.
Solid chocolate Any solid chocolate, cocoa content not specified.


Tag Description
Associations Studies reporting on associations between diet in general and physical or mental health outcomes, or on factors that affect cocoa product consumption.
Cancer Studies assessing risk of cancer with cocoa product consumption.
Cardiovascular disease Studies assessing impact of cocoa product consumption on development of cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular event rates.
Cost and resource use Studies assessing healthcare costs and resource use associated with cocoa product consumption.
Mechanisms of action Pre-clinical studies assessing the mechanism by which cocoa products might affect mental health, cognition, quality of life and mortality.
Mental/cognitive function Studies assessing impact of cocoa product consumption on mental disorders and cognition.
Mortality Studies assessing impact of cocoa product consumption on all-cause or disease-specific mortality.
Population features Studies describing the characteristics of the study population.
Prevalence of burnout Studies reporting on the prevalence of burnout in a specific group or population.
Quality of life Studies reporting on the impact of cocoa products or burnout on quality of life and well-being.
Utilities Studies reporting on quality-adjusted life-years gained or health state utilities associated with cocoa products.
Views Studies reporting on the views and beliefs of individuals about their diet relating to cocoa products and their impact on health and well-being.
Work productivity Absenteeism, presenteeism and other outcomes related to work performance and productivity related to cocoa product consumption.

Review category

Tag Description
Background information Targeted searches of PubMed and Google were conducted to find background evidence related to HEOR employees and the mechanisms of action of cocoa.
Cocoa systematic review A systematic search of PubMed was conducted to find evidence on the effects of cocoa on cognitive function, wellbeing, and mortality. Titles and abstracts were screened by two researchers and all relevant citations were included in the Evidence Map.
Prevalence of burnout A PubMed search was conducted for studies reporting the prevalence or incidence of burnout in any country or subpopulation, and a targeted search of Google was conducted to fill in gaps for countries where no data was found.

Value messages

Tag Description
1. Population in need HEOR employees subjected to demanding working conditions may develop mental health conditions as a result
2. Disease burden Mental health consequences of burnout lead to increased costs associated with productivity losses and health care utilisation.
4. Flavonoids The flavonoids in cocoa have numerous health benefits including anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms
5. Cocoa benefits Dark chocolate, with its high cocoa content, improves cognitive performance and mental wellbeing, with multiple other health benefits
6. Accessibility Dark chocolate is widely available and accessible to HEOR employees and presents an innovative approach to preventing the negative health effects of demanding workloads

Value position

Tag Description
Mixed/unclear The results reported and/or author conclusions are associated with statements in the GVD but the impact or sentiment is highly subjective
Not supportive The results reported and/or author conclusions do not support the statements in the GVD (either somewhat or entirely)
Supportive Results reported and/or author conclusions support the position of the statements in the GVD